2013 - 至今:北京大学物理学院,教授,博士生导师,国家“万人计划”领军人才
全球前2%顶尖科学家榜, Stanford University and Elsevier
Highly commended for The James Clerk Maxwell Young Writer Prize
Outstanding (Best) Paper Award, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS)
Top-level award (Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman Scholarships Award), American Vacuum Society (AVS)
International Graduate Student Best Paper Award, The Materials Information Society (ASM International)
Outstanding Symposium Paper (top 4%), Materials Research Society
Best Poster Award in MRS symposium EE at MRS 2008 Fall meeting
材料的辐照效应和辐照损伤、新型核反应堆结构材料设计和发展、核技术应用、新能源材料制备、离子束材料改性、功能薄膜材料制备和性能。近年来主持包括基金委重点项目和科技部重点研发项目等国家项目10余项。在包括Nature Materials, Energy & Environmental Science, Nano Energy, Small, Carbon, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, JMST, Materials & Design等学术期刊上发表论文200篇,总引用6000次。
串列加速器(NEC 2 х 1.7 MV)、电弧熔炼炉、真空退火炉、磁控溅射、化学气相沉积、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、纳米压痕、台阶仪、维氏硬度计、离子减薄仪、双喷电解仪、高速球磨机、电化学工作站、抛光机等。具体离子辐照和离子束分析机时、束流服务、设备信息和科研合作请关注北京大学核技术应用实验室公众号(请见页面底部)。

NEC 2 х 1.7 MV串列加速器照片
1. J.L. Du, S.H. Jiang, (...), E.G. Fu*, Z.P. Lu*, Superior radiation tolerance via reversible disordering-ordering transition of coherent superlattices, Nature Materials, 22 (2023) 442
2. S.K. Shen, (...), E.G. Fu*, The design of Pd-containing high-entropy alloys and their hardening behavior under He ion irradiation, Acta Materialia, 261 (2023) 119404
3. S.W. Wang, (...), Y. Yuan*, (...), E.G. Fu*, G.H. Lu, Dynamic equilibrium of displacement damage defects in heavy-ion irradiated tungsten, Acta Materialia, 244 (2023) 118578
4. S.W. Wang, H. Wang, X. Yi*, (...), Y. Yuan*, X.Z. Cao, E.G. Fu*, G.H. Lu, Damage recovery stages revisited: Thermal evolution of non-saturated and saturated displacement damage in heavy-ion irradiated tungsten, Acta Materialia, 273 (2024) 119942
5. J.L. Du, (...), H. Wang*, E.G. Fu*, Stress of misfit dislocation at Fe/MgO interface drives the annihilation of radiation induced defects, Acta Materialia, 210 (2021) 116798
6. P.P. Wang, (...), E.G. Fu*, The temperature and size effect on the electrical resistivity of Cu/V multilayers, Acta Materialia, 126 (2017) 294
7. E.G. Fu*, Y. Fang, M.J. Zhuo, et al., Interface structure of Nb film on single crystal MgO (100) and MgO (111) substrate, Acta Materialia, 64 (2014) 100.
8. X. Liu, (...), J. Li*, Z.F. Wu*, and E.G. Fu*, The effect of chemical ordering and coherent nanoprecipitates on bubble evolution in binary-phase vanadium alloys after He ion irradiation, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 212 (2024) 312
9. L.Y. Hao, E.G. Fu*, First-principles calculation on the electronic structures, phonon dynamics, and electrical conductivities of Pb10(PO4)6O and Pb9Cu(PO4)6O compounds, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 173 (2023) 218
10. Z.F. Wu, (...), T.D. Shen*, Y.Q. Qiao*, E.G. Fu*, Enhancing the phase stability of TiNi intermetallic compound via nanocrystallization in an irradiated multicomponent vanadium alloy, Materials & Design, 213 (2022) 1102988.
11. Z.Y. Hu, (...), Z.L. Liu*, X.J. Wang*, E.G. Fu*, The radiation effect of ion species on the microstructure of nanoporous gold, Scripta Materialia, 190 (2021) 136
12. Yue Liu*, K.M. Yang, J. Hay, E.G. Fu*, X. Zhang, The effect of coherent interface on strain-rate sensitivity of highly textured Cu/Ni and Cu/V multilayers, Scripta Materialia, 162 (2019) 33
13. Z.Y. Hu, J.L. Du, P.P. Wang, E.G. Fu*, Insight into the impact of nanovoids on the electrical and mechanical properties of nanotwinned copper films, Scripta Materialia, 137 (2017) 41-45
14. Z.M. Wu, (...), Q. Huang*, K.J. Yang*, (...), E.G. Fu*, Ultrafine-grained W alloy prepared by spark plasma sintering with high thermal stability and excellent irradiation resistance, Nuclear Fusion, 60 (2020) 036006
15. Z.M. Wu, (...), E.G. Fu*, Nanocrystalline W-based alloys with ultrahigh hardness and exceptional irradiation tolerance, Nuclear Fusion, 59 (2019) 106050
16. Q. Bai, P.F. Zheng*, M. Xu, G.R. Tynana*, (...), E.G. Fu*, et al., Reduced D trapping by plasma-implanted He nanobubbles in radiation damaged tungsten, Nuclear Fusion, 59 (2019) 066040
17. Y.H. Qiu, Q. Bai, E.G. Fu*, et al., A novel approach to extracting hardness of copper/niobium (Cu/Nb) multilayer films by removing the substrate effect, Materials Science and Engineering A, 724 (2018) 60
18. J.L. Du, Z.M. Wu, E.G. Fu*, (…), K.Y. Yu*, X.D. Ding*, M.M. Li, M. A. Kirk, Detwinning through migration of twin boundaries in nanotwinned Cu films under in-situ ion irradiation, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 19 (2018) 212
19. Z.F. Wu, (…), T.D. Shen*, J. Wang*, E.G. Fu*, Significant suppression of void swelling and irradiation hardening in a nanograine d/nanoprecipitate d 14YWT-ODS steel irradiated by helium ions, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 581 (2023) 154454
20. P.P. Wang, (…), E.G. Fu*, The electrical behavior of Cu thin film induced by carbon ion irradiation, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 516 (2019) 297
21. S. Cui, (…), E.G. Fu*, G. R. Tynan*, R. Chen*, Thermal conductivity degradation and recovery in ion beam damaged tungsten at different temperature, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 511 (2018) 141
22. S.W. Wang, (…), Y. Yuan*, E.G. Fu*, et al., Effect of heavy ion pre-irradiation on blistering and deuterium retention in tungsten exposed to high-fluence deuterium plasma, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 508 (2018) 395
23. S.W. Wang, (…), Y. Yuan*, X.Z. Cao, E.G. Fu*, G.H. Lu, Defect annealing in heavy-ion irradiated tungsten: Long-time thermal evolution of saturated displacement damage at different temperatures, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 581 (2023) 154454
24. P.P. Wang, C. Xu, E.G. Fu*, et al., The study on the electrical resistivity of Cu/V multilayer films subjected to helium (He) ion irradiation, Applied Surface Science, 440 (2018) 396
25. J.L. Du, J. Zhang, E.G. Fu*, et al., The alleviation of radiation-damage on Nb/MgO film driven by strain gradient in He ion irradiation, Applied Surface Science, 465 (2019) 1014
26. P.P. Cao, H. Wang*, (…), E.G. Fu*, Z.P. Lu*, Effects of nanosized precipitates on irradiation behavior of CoCrFeNi high entropy alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 859 (2021) 158291,
27. Z.Y. Hu, (…), Z.L. Liu*, X.J. Wang*, E.G. Fu*. Abundant free surface in nanoporous copper films enhancing tolerance against helium ion irradiation, Journal of Alloys and Compound, 843 (2020) 155829
28. S.K. Shen, (…), P. Liu*, H. Wang*, E.G. Fu*, Microstructure and radiation stability of nano-dispersoids in particle- reinforced FeCrAl alloys with different Zr concentrations, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 925 (2022) 166625
29. S.K Shen, (…), K.J. Yang*, M. Song, E.G. Fu*, Characterization of irradiation-induced dislocation loops and helium bubbles via electron channeling contrast imaging, Materialia, 33(2024) 101987
30. Y.F. Wang, (…), J. Li*, E.G. Fu*, The impact of vacancy formation energies on the nucleation and growth of helium (He) bubbles in low-activation multicomponent vanadium-based alloys, Materials Today Communications, 36 (2023) 106897
31. S.L. Zhang, (…), J.L. Du*, P. Liu*, E.G. Fu*, Grain-boundary-enhanced re-precipitation of oxide nanoparticles in ion-irradiated nanocrystalline 14YWT-ODS steels, Materials Characterization, 194 (2022) 112353
32. J.L. Du, (…), E.G. Fu*, Radiation response on the Nb/MgO interface with different interface angles, Nuclear Materials and Energy, 26 (2021) 100913
33. Y.H. Qiu, E.G. Fu*, et al., Mechanisms for the improvement of mechanical properties in metallic glass by Au ion irradiation, Intermetallic, 101 (2018) 173-178
34. Y.X. Liang, (…), Y.H. Qiu*, P. Wang*, E.G. Fu*, Roles of ion irradiation and thermal annealing in inducing crystallization in metallic glass, Intermetallic, 114 (2019) 106608
35. M. Caro*, W. Mook, E.G. Fu*, et al., Radiation induced effects on mechanical properties of nanoporous gold foams, Applied Physics Letter, 104 (2014) 233109
1. S.Y. Li, (...), X.Y. Chen*, E.G. Fu*, Z.L. Wang*, Manipulating the triboelectric surface charge density of polymers by low-energy helium ion irradiation/implantation, Energy & Environmental Science, 13 (2020) 896
2. Y. Fan, (...), X.Y. Chen*, E.G. Fu*, Negative triboelectric polymers with ultrahigh charge density induced by ion implantation, Nano Energy, 90 (2021) 106574
3. L.Y. Hao, (...), E.G. Fu*, DFT guided design and preparation of quasi-nanocrystalline Hf-La2O3 cathode with unprecedented thermal emission performance, Small, 20 (2024) 2401307
4. Y.J. Sun, (…), E.G. Fu*, S. J. Guo*, Defects and interfaces on PtPb nanoplates boost fuel cell electrocatalysis, Small, 14 (2017) 1702259
5. C. Sun, (...), E.G. Fu*, G.F. Zou*, Defect engineering of molybdenum disulfide through ion irradiation to boost hydrogen evolution reaction performance, Nano Research, 12 (2019) 1613
6. Y.X. Liang, (...), E.G. Fu*, (...), X.D. Wen*, S.J. Guo, High Electrocatalytic Performance Inspired by Crystalline/Amorphous Interface inPtPb Nanoplate, Nanoscale, 10 (2018) 11357
7. Y.B. Zhao, (...), E.G. Fu*, Z.Q. Zhao*, A facile approach to direct growth of layer-tunable graphene on Ge substrates, Carbon, 153 (2019) 776
8. Y.B. Zhao, X. Wang, E.G. Fu*, (...), Z.Q. Zhao*, Direct synthesis of high-quality nitrogen-doped graphene via ion implantation, Carbon, 139 (2018) 732
9. Y. Wei, (...), J.L. Du*, N. Zhao*, E.G. Fu*, Correlating the electronic structures of beta-Ga2O3 to its crystal tilts induced defects at nanoscale, Materials Today Physics, 46 (2023) 101518
10. Z.F. Wu, (...), Y.H. Wang*, E.G. Fu*, In-situ evolution of microstructural transformation from crystalline to amorphous in PtPb/Pt nanoplates induced by Kr ion irradiation, Applied Surface Science, 538 (2021) 148028
11. Y.L. Yao, (…), E.G. Fu*, Super antiwear properties of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) induced by MeV proton irradiation, Polymer, 285 (2023) 126350
12. Y.L. Yao, Y. Wei, Y. Fan, E.G. Fu*, Electron irradiation enhanced wear resistance and hardness of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), Soft Matter, 20(2024) 5105
13. Z.Y. Hu, (…), E.G. Fu*, Z.P. Lu*, Additional Raman enhancement on nanoporous copper mediated by ion radiation, Langmuir, 34 (2018) 13041
14. J. Wang, (…), E.G. Fu*, Z.P. Lu*, Influences of Au Ion Radiation on Microstructure and Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering of Nanoporous Copper, Nanotechnology, 29 (2018) 184001
15. Y. Fan, C. Xu, E.G. Fu*, Recent research progress in the field of ion beam modification of materials in the Department of Technical Physics at Peking University, Scientia Sinica Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica (中国科学), 53 (2023) 100011
1. S.K. Shen, (...), E.G Fu*, Ultrastrong and ductile FeNi-based alloys through Pd-containing multicomponent L12-type precipitates, Materials & Design, 244 (2024) 113112
2. L.Y. Hao, (...), P. Liu*, Y. Liu*, E.G. Fu*, Sub-micron-sized hafnium (Hf) cathode with excellent thermal emission performance and superior hardness synthesized by powder metallurgy route, Scripta Materilia, 231 (2023) 115436
3. L.Y. Hao, (…), P. Liu*, E.G. Fu*, Fabrication of ultra-fine grained Hf-based materials with superior hardness and temperature-independent electrical conductivity by a combination of high-energy ball milling and spark plasma sintering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 925 (2022) 166719
4. S.K. Shen, (…), P. Liu*, H. Wang*, E.G. Fu*, Microstructure and radiation stability of nano-dispersoids in particle- reinforced FeCrAl alloys with different Zr concentrations, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 925 (2022) 166625
5. Z.Y. Hu, P.P. Wang, E.G. Fu*, X.J. Wang, X.Q. Yan, Z.M. Wu, Y.B. Zhao, Y.X. Liang, Bilayer nanoporous copper films with various morphology features synthesized by simple one-step dealloying, Journal of Alloy and Components, 754 (2018) 26
6. J.L. Du, L.Y. Zhang, E.G. Fu*, X. Ding*, K.Y. Yu*, et al., Comparison of interface structure of BCC metallic (Fe, V and Nb) films on MgO (100) substrate, Applied Surface Science, 410 (2017) 585
7. S.L. Zhang, (...), J.L. Du *, S.W. Wang*, E.G. Fu*, Grain refinement and precipitation strengthening in austenitic steels through Cu addition, MRS Bulletin, (2024) DOI10.1557/s43577-024-00782-x
8. L.Y. Hao, J.L. Du, E.G. Fu*, Theoretical study on structural and optical properties of β-Ga2O3 with O vacancies via shell DFT-1/2 method, Journal of Applied Physics, 134 (2023) 085101
9. L.Y. Hao, (…), E.G. Fu*, Ab-initio study on electronic, mechanical and dynamical properties of maraging steel containing coherent B2 type (Fe, Al)Ni nanoprecipitates, Materials Today Communications, 36 (2023) 106564
10. X. Liu, (…), Y. Fan*, K.J. Yang*, E.G. Fu*, Fabrication of nanocrystalline and ultra-hard tungsten alloy by dual-particle dispersion strengthening, Materials Letters, 349 (2023) 134714
11. Y.F. Wang, (…), E.G. Fu*, Design and Preparation of Nanoporous Cu/Ag Multilayer Films, Coatings, 11 (2021) 1187
12. Y.X. Liang, (…), G.A. Stanciu*, X.J. Wang*, E.G. Fu*, Growth Mechanisms and the Effects of Deposition Parameters on the Structure and Properties of High Entropy Film by Magnetron Sputtering, Materials, 12 (2019) 3008
13. Z. Chen, Z. Ma, K.Y. Yu*, T. Wang, E.G. Fu*, L. Cui, Strengthening mechanisms in NiTi (NbFe)/amorphous-CuZAl multilayered thin films, Surface & Coating Technology, 353 (2018) 247
14. K. Zhang, (…), E.G. Fu*, R.Q. Zou*, Highly dispersed Co-B/N co-doped carbon nanospheres on graphene for synergistic effect as bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysts, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10 (2018) 30460
15. L.Y. Hao, (…), R. Yan*, X. Leng*, E.G. Fu*, Near-fully dense nanocrystalline hafnium via pressureless two-step sintering, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 127 (2025) 106971
16. Y.X. Liang, Z.M. Wu, E.G. Fu*, J.L. Du, P.P. Wang, Y.B. Zhao, Y. H. Qiu, Z.Y. Hu, Refinement process and mechanisms of tungsten powder by high energy ball milling, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 67 (2017) 1
17. Z.M. Wu, Y.X. Liang, E.G. Fu*, The process and mechanisms for the transformation of coarse grain to nanoscale grain in tungsten by ball milling, Powder Technology, 326 (2018) 222
18. Z.M. Wu, Y.X. Liang, E.G. Fu*, et al., The ball to powder ratio (BPR) dependent morphology and microstructure of tungsten powder refined by ball milling, Powder Technology, 339 (2018) 256
19. Z.M. Wu, Y.X. Liang, E.G. Fu*, et al., Effect of ball milling parameters on the refinement of tungsten powder, Metals, 8 (2018) 281
20. S.K. Shen, (…), G. Li*, J. Li*, E.G. Fu*, Improving Mechanical Properties of EP823 Ferritic/Martensitic Steel via Increasing Silicon Contents, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, (2023), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-023-08986-z